Archive for November 2014

SAP ALE/IDOC/EDI Functional Training - Understanding,Designing, Implementing & Supporting enterprises level Interfaces from SAP

SAP ALE/IDOC/EDI Functional Training - Understanding,Designing, Implementing & Supporting enterprises level Interfaces from SAP. This training on SAP integration will give an insight into how SAP to NON-SAP Integration

actually works. How as a SAP Functional consultant you would need to approach the Integration task that is assigned to you & also be able to design, setup and trouble shoot basic integration from SAP to NON-SAP systems. Applicable to any ECC module.


Why you should take this course:

As a consultant when you are working or going to work on SAP projects you are certainly going to come across tasks that are related to Interfaces, ALE, EDI etc. These are inevitable due to the nature of how SAP Implementations are done. There is always a need to integrate SAP with other systems such as MES, WMS, Payroll, Tax etc within enterprise firewall and moreover also to integrate SAP with third party systems outside firewall such as vendors systems, customers systems or banks etc.SAP Integration is not going to go away; it is here to stay due to the nature of how your clients/customers are running their business by interacting with many non-SAP systems and these non-SAP systems keeps changing, new systems are added all the time. So there is a constant and critical need for SAP integration. Upgrading your skill set will add value to your career. Also we advise you to look at requirements that clients are posting on job portals to get an idea on skill set needed in the market.


Duration: 10 Hours on Dec 10th, 11th, 12th, 15th and 16th - 8.30 PM US EST to 10.30 PM US EST


Cost of the course is based on the bid: Please bid using below link or email

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Vídeo Revela como fazer vendas de forma automática (e simples)

Olá Amigo(a),

Aprenda como a trabalhar com a internet e vender milhões de euros online...

... 3 'gurus' do internet marketing lançaran uma fórmula secreta exclusiva... como criar vídeos de vendas persuasivos à velocidade da luz & muito facilmente

Este vídeo explica o que você sempre quis descobrir:

Ao Nosso Sucesso,

João Lacerda

Consultor MMN

Skype: joaoclacerda

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Careerbuilder India مذيعة لبنانية تتلقّى عرض زواج على الهواء مباشرةً+بالفيديو..فتاة التحرش بجامعة القاهرة تثير أزمة جديدة+براءة الرئيس مبارك في قضايا القتل والفساد+مقلب ساخن مع هيفا وهبي

إليسا تثير غيرة الفتيات بعارض أزياء تركي يفوق وسامة مهند

أكاديمية التدريب الاحترافي APT – بريطانيا تقدم أقوى الدبلومات  والمنظومات والبرامج التدريبية لكافة التخصصات و تدريب عن بعد

بالفيديو..فتاة التحرش بجامعة القاهرة تثير أزمة جديدة

بدا دورة طاقة و انطلاقة لكل شخص يسعى للعيش بسلام و بتوازن نفسي عالي و بصحة نفسية ممتازة

قضية المثلية الجنسية لخالد أبو النجا ونور الشريف الى الواجهة مجدداً

براءة الرئيس مبارك في قضايا القتل والفساد

الحسد وناديه الجندي

كاميرا خفية مع دكتوره اغراء

مقلب ساخن مع هيفا وهبي

أنظر ماذا فعل الأستاذ في قسمه شئ لا يصدق

متى سيهزم العرب إسرائيل ؟ احمد ديدات

مذيعة لبنانية تتلقّى عرض زواج على الهواء مباشرةً

جوجل تتيح لك التعرف على الاجهزة التي تدخل الى حسابك

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Careerbuilder India فيديو يثير الجدل رقص لفتاة إيرانية في تحد لقانون طهران+تسريب صور صادمة للممرضة الإيطالية المتهمة بقتل 38 مريضاً+الملكة اليزابيث وهى تستمع الى تلاوة قرانية ‎+شايب داشر يغازل بنات هههههه

فيديو يثير الجدل : رقص لفتاة إيرانية في تحد لقانون طهران

أكاديمية التدريب الاحترافي APT – بريطانيا تقدم أقوى الدبلومات  والمنظومات والبرامج التدريبية لكافة التخصصات و تدريب عن بعد

المبتعثة السعودية التي سخرت من الهيئة .. لجين الهذلول تعقد قرانها على ممثل كوميدي

بدا دورة طاقة و انطلاقة لكل شخص يسعى للعيش بسلام و بتوازن نفسي عالي و بصحة نفسية ممتازة

تسريب صور صادمة للممرضة الإيطالية المتهمة بقتل 38 مريضاً

مصر: استشهاد ضابط برتبة عميد من القوات المسلحة وإبطال مفعول قنبلة واغلاق ميدان التحرير

شايب داشر يغازل بنات هههههه

الملكة اليزابيث وهى تستمع الى تلاوة قرانية

متصل أخرج ابراهيم عيسي عن شعوره وأحرجه

كوكاكولا بالحليب .. ثورة جديدة في عالم المشروبات الغازية

في مشهد غير مألوف أبداً ..ركاب طائرة روسية يدفعونها بأيديهم بسبب تجمدها

تجاره رائجه في ايران للسذج والبسطاء !!

حاولت بس ما قدرت ابلعها

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Re: Require Business Development Manager :: Part-Time & Work from Home -- Call (770)628-0538 for more details



Go Online Training  is looking for Business Development Managers(Part-Time), who can market our Online Instructor-Led Training Programs in their area. Flexible working hours and work from home. For more details send an email to



·         Should have knowledge in IT

·         Business Development strategies

·         Good communication Skills


If you are available, interested or know of a friend who might have the required qualifications and interest, please call me ASAP at ((770)628-0538. If you do respond via e-mail please include a daytime phone number so I can reach you. In considering candidates, time is of the essence, so please respond ASAP.


Best Regards,



Go Online Training

Ph :( 770)628-0538

goonlinetraining (AT)


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SAP ALE/IDOC/EDI Functional Training - Understanding,Designing, Implementing & Supporting enterprises level Interfaces from SAP.

SAP ALE/IDOC/EDI Functional Training - Understanding,Designing, Implementing & Supporting enterprises level Interfaces from SAP. This training on SAP integration will give an insight into how SAP to NON-SAP Integration

actually works. How as a SAP Functional consultant you would need to approach the Integration task that is assigned to you & also be able to design, setup and trouble shoot basic integration from SAP to NON-SAP systems. Applicable to any ECC module.


Why you should take this course:

As a consultant when you are working or going to work on SAP projects you are certainly going to come across tasks that are related to Interfaces, ALE, EDI etc. These are inevitable due to the nature of how SAP Implementations are done. There is always a need to integrate SAP with other systems such as MES, WMS, Payroll, Tax etc within enterprise firewall and moreover also to integrate SAP with third party systems outside firewall such as vendors systems, customers systems or banks etc.SAP Integration is not going to go away; it is here to stay due to the nature of how your clients/customers are running their business by interacting with many non-SAP systems and these non-SAP systems keeps changing, new systems are added all the time. So there is a constant and critical need for SAP integration. Upgrading your skill set will add value to your career. Also we advise you to look at requirements that clients are posting on job portals to get an idea on skill set needed in the market.


Duration: 10 Hours on Dec 10th, 11th, 12th, 15th and 16th - 8.30 PM US EST to 10.30 PM US EST


Cost of the course is based on the bid: Please bid using below link or email


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Re: Attend SAP HANA Free demo today @ 10PM EST -- Call (770)628-0538 to enroll

SAP HANA Guaranteed Certification Training

Duration: 60 Hours

Training Mode: Online Instructor Led Training


What is SAP HANA?


SAP HANA combines database, data processing, and application platform capabilities in-memory. The platform provides libraries for predictive, planning, text processing, spatial, and business analytics.


This new architecture enables converged OLTP and OLAP data processing within a single in-memory column-based data store with ACID compliance, while eliminating data redundancy and latency. By providing advanced capabilities, such as predictive text analytics, spatial processing, data virtualization, on the same architecture, it further simplifies application development and processing across big data sources and structures. This makes SAP HANA the most suitable platform for building and deploying next-generation, real-time applications and analytics.


About our training:


ü  Get SAP Certification in 30 Days*

ü  Get Industry recognition as a Certified SAP Consultant

ü  Advance your career, Become highly paid professional

ü  Placement Assistance, if required.


We can also provide Certification oriented training in other technologies like .NET, Java, Oracle, Hadoop etc..


For enrollment send an email at goonlinetraining (at) or call Ram at (770)628-0538.


Thanks & Regards,




Ph :( 770)628-0538

Goonlinetraining  (at)

Skype Id:


  • Total fee will be refunded, if you fail in certification exam

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POR FAVOR, LEIA TODO ESTE CONVITE - FACA Algo Por Você e Família - Não Ignorar Este Convite - Ele Poderá Fazer A Grande Diferença Em Sua Vida!

Olá amigo (a), tudo bem contigo?
Te convido a Ser Parte da ODMR - Organização dos Desenvolvedores de Marketing de Rede e nsa Ajudar a Realizar NOSSOS sonhos com Sucesso.
Vamos Juntos Fazermos A Diferença em Nossas Vidas!  Juntos Seremos Imbatíveis.

- Para se tornar Associado da ODMR E Grátis;
- Não tera de vender Absolutamente Nenhum PRODUTO OU Objeto Pará hum ODMR;
- Um ODMR patrocinará Toda Uma Equipe Administrativa Pará Uma gerenciar SUA Rede, e de Todos os Demais;
- Ninguem Precisa informar Documentos Para se inscrever Como Associado da ODMR;
- QUANDO a convocar lhes ODMR, informará Quantas PESSOAS colocará na SUA Rede nenhuma 1º Mês;
- Ao se cadastrar na 1º Empresa, MINUTOS APOS, JA poderá conferir SUA Rede crescendo;
- Poderá Pagar a adesão do Pará a Empresa Só DEPOIS de ver o 1º de o volume de de adicionado em SUA Rede;
- Um ODMR te informará QUANTOS adicionará em SUA nenhuma Mês posterior Associados JÁ COM OS Rede;
- E AINDA apresentará Uma Projeção de QUANTOS poderá ter nsa meses posteriores com a chegada de Novatos; 
- Para trabalhar Há hectare por hectare por Ha com Empresas Como Não Há nenhuma consulta SPC por e SERASA Ao;
- Sera ninguem obrigado a nada Fazer contra a Vontade;
- Garante Uma ODMR ganhos Imediatos 100% DOS Associados;  (Mais Que nada SOMENTE ganhos);
- Todos Que se inscreverem Durante o Lançamento da ODMR Terao Mais de 1 completa Rede,
- E AINDA Irão ter Mais ganhos em Demais Empresas, MESMO Que Sejam ganhos Inferiores;
- Certeza Garantida de redes Permanentes 100% DOS Associados;  (Consulte hum administrador ...);
- Um ODMR trabalhará inicialmente, SOMENTE em Empresas Nacionais e com Produtos Físicos;
Exemplo: Hinode semelhantes, and / or, Polishop e / semelhantes UO, semelhantes Cidiz UO, e etc;

- Investimento inicial Entre R $ 50,00 a R $ 400,00 OPCIONAIS Maïs atualizações Escolhas POR;
Este É O Exemplo de ganhos de Uma das Empresas com Como Quais trabalharemos possivelmente;
Exemplo de Ganhos trimestral
R $ 324.000,00 --------------------------------------- Imp Diamante;
R $ 117.000,00 --------------------------------------- Triplo Diamante
R $ 63.000,00 ----------------------------------------- Duplo Diamante;
R $ 47.000,00 ----------------------------------------- Diamante;
R $ 17.100,00 ----------------------------------------- Platina;
R $ 9.600,00 ------------------------------------------- Ouro;
R $ 6.500,00 ------------------------------------------- Prata;
R $ 4.500,00 ------------------------------------------- Bronze;
R $ 2.100,00 ------------------------------------------- Mestre.
Este ilustrativa grau de Possibilidades E;  e na Realidade, Os ganhos Nesta Empresa Que usamos Como Exemplo, AOS Afiliados Uma ELA Que atingiram OS Tais Metas, JA constataram ganhos Muito Superiores POR Todos ao chegarem EM Taís Qualificações. 

ESTA Esperando O Que?  Junte-se à nos!  E Grátis - 

Por favor, Não desejamos especulações Sobre a MESMA;  POIs, apresentaremos No Mínimo 2 (Duas) opções e, se Possível, COMEU 3 (Três) opções de Empresas Já na largada Ao iniciarmos OS NOSSOS cadastros dos Associados NAS Primeiras Empresas;  Apos Nossa meta Inscrições de Ser alcançada com a aceitação do Desafio do DIA POR muitos UO preferencialmente, Por Todos VOCÊS;

- Nossa Organização IRA sortear 12 carros, de hum Gol Lamborguini;  Patrocinados Pela ODMR; 
- Ao se inscrever, Você e Seu Cada Convidado ganham Dois cupons de graça; 
- Você e SEUs Convidados ganham Maïs 5 cupons POR CADA indicação ligações atraves de SEUs;
- Uma ocasionalmente ODMR Poderá, lancar Maïs sorteios Grátis Com Os cupons MESMO;
- Em Todos cupons OS Permanentes de São Paulo, sorteios OS servirão Para Todos;

Nenhum site de Informações em Promoções!
Se Cada hum INDICAR APENAS 2 (Duas) PESSOAS NÃO Prazo de 2 (Dois) dias Pará se Associar de graça na ODMR, iremos ter hum SEGUINTE matemática:
- 200 = 400 x 2 PESSOAS (Como 200 + 400 = 600 PESSOAS)
- 400 x 2 = 800 PESSOAS (Como 600 + 800 = 1.400 PESSOAS)
- 800 x 2 = 1.600 PESSOAS (Como 1.400 + 1.600 = 3.000 PESSOAS)
- 1600 x 2 = 3.200 PESSOAS (Como 3.000 + 3.200 = 6.200 PESSOAS)

Sendo Estes Cálculos Sobre 2 (Dois) indicados EM 2 (Dois) novato dias POR CADA, teremos o volume de de de de o Mais de 6.000 PESSOAS em APENAS 8 (Oito) dias nsa submetendo a Cumprir a meta do Desafio do DIA, O Que Acredito Ser extremamente Prático devido Uma Tantas Vantagens proporcionadas Pela ODMR! 

Imaginem o seguimento deste Desafio do Dia Onde, a Cada 2 (Dois) dias somam-se OS seguintes Resultados ..., 200 ..., 600 ..., 1.400 ..., 3.000 ..., 6.200 .. . ... 12.600, 25.000 ..., ... 50200, 100200 ..., ... 200600, 401000 ..., 
Em APENAS 20 (Vinte) dias somam-se Mais de 400.000 (quatrocentos mil) Associados de Pará Distribuídos em Serém SUAS Redes ...
Façam Como Contas:
Se POR Cada indicação Rápido Rápido Rápido rápido Você Ganha 5 cupons, QUANTOS cupons poderá ter Para concorrer a todos sorteios OS que FOREM Feitos Pela ODMR? 
Sabendo DISTO, imagine Rápido Rápido Rápido rápido Você Ganhando cupons Permanentes indicando ...
- 2 Indicações = --------------------------- 10 cupons
- 5 Indicações = --------------------------- 25 cupons
- 10 Indicações = ------------------------- 50 cupons
- 20 Indicações = ----------------------- 100 cupons
- 30 Indicações = ----------------------- 150 cupons
- 40 Indicações = ----------------------- 200 cupons
- 50 Indicações = ----------------------- 250 cupons
- 60 Indicações = ----------------------- 300 cupons

QUANTOS Rápido Rápido Rápido rápido Você Sera, Capaz de se INDICAR pra Ser Associado da ODMR e Tao Fazer Fácil e TEM TANTAS Vantagens?
Agora imagine se Cada hum INDICAR 3, 4, 5 OU QUANTOS Sejam Possíveis hum Cada um ... 
Já imaginou?! 
Entao convidem SEUS AMIGOS ágora mesmo!
Confira em hum Minuto este vídeo: 

Quanto Mais PESSOAS EO Mais Rápido indicarem, Melhor e Mais Rápido começam ter ganhos, e AINDA aumentando Como chances de Serém sorteados!

Este volume de de de de cupons de E POR ritmo limitado, portanto, tragam o Máximo de Indicações Para a Organização o Mais Rápido Possível. 
Faca Ao atingirmos o volume de de hum de dado de Inscrições, iremos Recolher o volume de de de de cupons de Dados Uma Serém, tanto POR Inscrição, Como POR indicação.

Vamos Abraçar esse, Que É DESAFIO DO DIA, pessoal! 
Desejamos Gerar ganhos A TODOS OS Pingos pra Fazer Natal e, se Possível também começarmos a OS Fazer sorteios dos Carros. 
Tudo Que precisamos PROVAR pra que cumpriremos com Todas As Nossas Promessas, o volume de OE UM MINIMO de Seguro de Algo EM Torno de 4 PESSOAS PESSOAS mil. 
Onde poderemos COM APENAS Iniciar 2.000 (mil) Duas PESSOAS NA Associadas ODMR Pará começarmos Mostrar OS Resultados com ganhos Imediatos e com Segurança Para Todos. 
E Para Que possamos TAMBÉM, revelarmos Mais claramente Nossas Estrategias de Multiplicação de desconto de Pessoas SENDO distribuidas em Redes Diversas Empresas POR VARIAS.
SEJA Muito Benvindo (a)!  E Grátis - 

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Senior EMC Storage Engineer

Phone/skype Hire


Location: Columbia, SC

Duration: 12+ months

Rate: Open


Key Areas of Responsibility

·         Design, implement, administer and support storage solutions.

·         Provide direct technical support for the planning, coordination, and implementation of releases, upgrades, or changes to storage systems and the range of products and productivity tools that support the testing and production of those storage systems.

·         Ensures stable performance for the storage environment through performance monitoring and tuning.

·         Perform capacity planning, workload modeling, and prediction. Ensures systems maintenance of storage and related systems.

·         Follow life-cycle oriented processes and procedures

·         Troubleshoot, maintain, upgrade, and provide solutions to complex hardware/software problems

·         Assist in the management of projects using project management methodology

·         Regularly interface with technical and business staff of customers, including the project sponsor and stakeholders of projects in more complex engagements

·         Create and execute test plans to meet project requirements for assigned components

·         Provide high quality content deliverables using the appropriate documentation

·         Proactively develops plans and activities to avoid problems


Skills Needed:

·         Bachelor degree in business, computer science, a related technical degree or equivalent

·         Seven years’ experience delivering complex technical solutions including planning, development, implementation and support.

·         Knowledge of general storage technologies: SAN, NAS, DAS, FC;

·         Solid understanding of networking and distributed computing concepts, including principles of network-routing client/server applications

·         Knowledge of Distributed File Systems (DFS) beneficial

·         OS software: Proficiency in Linux and/or Intel operating system and Windows 2003 required. AIX and Windows certifications a plus

·         Experience implementing VNX solutions

·         Must have experience with a minimum of two of the following: VMWare vCenter/vSphere, Data Domain, Avamar, VMAX, EMC Unisphere

·         SAN: Experience with Cisco based SAN fabrics required

·         Knowledge of EMC disk subsystems required

·         Ability to effectively adapt to rapidly changing technology and apply it to business needs

·         Ability to assist with network and application troubleshooting; provide technical consulting support to software development staff

·         Ability to work weekends and/or off hours as necessary to meet departmental needs

·         Ability to effectively communicate both oral and written

·         Physically able to lift up to 50 pounds of equipment.


Other Required Qualifications – EMC

·         Understanding of EMC products and architectures.


Preferred Qualifications:

·         Development experience or background is a plus

·         Storage Management: Avamar storage experience helpful

·         Experience with scripting to customize functionality of storage subsystems a plus





Sandeep Jain

Software People Inc.

Ph: 631-863-0299, 631-410-4741, 631-921-2111 © Fax: 631-574-3122

Twitter: Software People @spincjobs

Certifications: SBA 8a/SDB, NY MWBE, VA SWaM, DE OMWBE, MA MWBE


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Sure shot closure:: Data Analyst at San Jose, CA


Hope you are doing great!!
Please find the requirement below , If you find yourself comfortable with the requirement please reply back with your updated resume with details and I will get back to you or you can call me on 609-897-9670 extn 2191

H1/GC/GC EAD Visa copy required if consultant is on H1/GC/GC EAD.

Position:   Data Analyst

Location:  San Jose, CA

Duration:  12+ months

Client: Infosys



Job Description:

Skills required:


Database expertise

              Looking at and Analyzing Data

              Navigating Database software (SQL)

              Database Design and Planning

              Managing Accounts and Files


Basic Analytical Tool expertise







Thanks & Regards

Abhay Tiwari

Technical Recruiter

Phone: 609-897-9670 x 2191


Fax: 609-228-5522

Address: 38 Washington Road, Princeton Jn, NJ 08550 


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Direct Client Need - Lead Oracle RPAS Consultant - 8 Openings

Direct Client Need - Lead Oracle RPAS Consultant - 8 Openings

Position   :    Lead Oracle RPAS Consultant -8 Openings
Location  :    Seattle,WA
Duration  :    3-6 months (Extension possible)

Skills and Experience Required :
  • Proven Technical Skills in following:
  • Oracle – RPAS, MOM 13 [RMS, SIM, RTM, RPM, RIM] solutions (Primary)
  • Supply Chain and Demand Planning (Secondary)
  • Supply chain Management
  • Communication ( verbal and written) and presentation skills 
  • Excellent Client/ Stake Holder Management skills
  • Excellent grasp of system and able to comprehend it and convert it into design and guide the teams on design and build
  • Detail and Process Oriented Performer and Go-getter
  • Effectively identifies the potential risks and issues even before they could occur, and communicates the same, follows them up with various stake holders to get the closure on them.
  • Exhibits excellent Leadership traits to set the standards of Lead by Example
  • Mentors, inspires, and nurtures the teams (offshore, and onsite) to effectively build great teams, and knows when to delegate.
  • Must have an eye for detail to do the technical reviews of various deliverables.
  • Must have played role of onsite lead in at least one of the large-scale Engagement.
  • Techno Functional Lead, the person should have an overall experience of 8-10 years, with relevant experience of 
  • 4-6 years spanning across various implementation/ maintenance/support /extension Projects in Oracle Retail in various roles

Chris Roe - Staffing / Human Resource Manager
Desk No : 415-251-3968
Skype : Chris.Roe 75

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Need Immediately UI Developer (NYC, NY OR Jersey City , NJ) Long Term, Contract.

Please send an email to :

Dear Partners,

Hope you are doing well,

We have new job opportunity with our client. Please take a look at the new requirement details given below and let me know, If you’re /Consultation resume are interested and comfortable with it, along with your recent most updated resume in word format, contact details and your expected hourly all inc bill rate.

I will highly appreciate if you can send ASAP.


Job Title                              :               UI Developer

Location                              :               NYC, NY  OR  Jersey City , NJ

Duration                             :               Long Term, Contract


Job Description:

•              Need 8-10 years of Experience UI Developer.

•              Application user interface development in (C# OR .NET OR JavaScript OR AngularJS)

•              Analyzing and developing (WPF OR “Windows Presentation Foundation” OR Javascript) user interfaces in a sophisticated framework

•              Supporting a complex, high volume critical business

•              Producing well-tested, performant code to tight timelines

•              Working with a cross-functional, cross-regional team of developers, project analysts and managers

•              Work independently and able to thrive in a challenging environment


Basic Qualifications :

•              Experience working with and supporting demanding users in a global environment

•              Practical expertise in (C# OR .NET OR Javascript OR AngularJS) user interface development

•              Experience building complex applications in WPF

•              Strong analytical skills

•              At least 3 years of hands-on software development experience in a commercial environment



Thanks & Regards


Javeed  Khan

Phone : 630-839-9062 || Fax: 630-206-2397 ||
Agile Enterprise Solutions Inc
|| "Ensuring Client's Success"||

Email : || ||



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Cisco Engineer

Phone/skype Hire


Location: Albany, NY

Duration: 12+ months

Rate: Open


Augment ISO staff to perform day to day operations and short / long term Information Security projects

•             Perform routine security audits

•             Monitoring and analysis of logs/events

•             Identify trends and formulate actions for mitigation of threats.

•             Conduct/manage vulnerability scanning

•             Draft new/update existing Information Security policies and procedures

•             Conduct Audits of user accounts, computers,  and  network configurations

•             Conduct ad hoc ad hoc investigations,

•             Conduct or monitor computer and cell phone forensics. 

•             Review new processes, technologies, and system designs.

•             Review vulnerability bulletins and patch releases.  -Conduct or monitor penetration testing according to procedure.

•             Assist in the creation and execution of the organizational information security awareness program.

•             Coordinate with and provide security guidance to internal departments and outside agencies

•             Provide guidance to junior security analysts in the execution of their daily duties.

•             Perform other related duties as directed by the Information Security Officer or senior leadership.

•             Audit Active Directory, Windows Servers, CITRIX Xen, Xen App, and Xen Server.

•             Backup / Recovery Planning and review

•             IDS/IPS  (Intrusion Detection Systems/Intrusion Prevention Systems) monitoring

•             Analyze/monitor ISA proxy services


Skills Needed:

·         Minimum of 84 months of experience working in the IT or IT related area of a large organization.

·         Minimum of 84 months of experience working in cyber security.

·         Minimum of at least one current Professional Certification credentialed as one of the following:  CISSP, CISM, CISA, or GSE, and/or awarded an advanced academic degree (M.S. or Ph.D.)  in Information Security or Information Assurance from an accredited institution.  Must supply copy of current Certificate and/or Diploma.

·         Minimum of at least one current Professional Certification credentialed in one of the following (6) categories of GIAC Certifications: Security Administration, Forensics, Audit, Software Security, or Legal.  Must supply copy of current Certificate.

·         Minimum of at least one current Professional Certification credentialed in one of the following (5) categories of MCP Certifications: Server, Desktop, Applications, Database, or Developer.  Must supply copy of current Certificate.

·         Minimum of at least 12 months of experience with at least 5 of the following areas:  Virtualization, Anti-Virus, Digital Forensics, Penetration Testing, Vulnerability Scanning, Networking, Incident Detection, Incident Response, Data Classification, and Project Management.

·         Minimum of 48 months of experience preparing and delivering written and/or oral reports.

·         Minimum of 24 months of experience preparing and reviewing security policy and standards.

·         Minimum of 24 months of experience in project management and/or supervising junior staff.

·         Minimum of 24 months of experience reviewing IT Procurements.





Sandeep Jain

Software People Inc.

Ph: 631-863-0299, 631-410-4741, 631-921-2111 © Fax: 631-574-3122

Twitter: Software People @spincjobs

Certifications: SBA 8a/SDB, NY MWBE, VA SWaM, DE OMWBE, MA MWBE


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