Archive for January 2016

Ne jobs in UAE, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Oman, Kuwait and Bahrain

Dear All,

Find recent jobs in UAE, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Oman, Kuwait and Bahrain
- Assistant(Bahrain)
- Civil Engineer(Bahrain)
- Sales Assistant(Bahrain)
- Tailor(Bahrain)
- Heavy Drivers(Kuwait)
- Typist(Kuwait)
- Drivers, Chief Diesel/Petrol Mechanic, Mechanic Helpers and Others - Al Able Trading and Contracting(Qatar)
- Senior Tailor(Qatar)
- Draftsman(UAE)
- Estimation Engineer - Aldrees Industrial Trading Co LLC(UAE)
- Estimators(UAE)
- Factory Sales Engineer - FORCE 10 UAE LLC(UAE)
- HR Manager(UAE)
- Project Coordinator - Oasys Information Technology LLC(UAE)

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Careerbuilder India Ne jobs in UAE, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Oman, Kuwait and Bahrain

Dear All,

Find recent jobs in UAE, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Oman, Kuwait and Bahrain
- Assistant(Bahrain)
- Civil Engineer(Bahrain)
- Sales Assistant(Bahrain)
- Tailor(Bahrain)
- Heavy Drivers(Kuwait)
- Typist(Kuwait)
- Drivers, Chief Diesel/Petrol Mechanic, Mechanic Helpers and Others - Al Able Trading and Contracting(Qatar)
- Senior Tailor(Qatar)
- Draftsman(UAE)
- Estimation Engineer - Aldrees Industrial Trading Co LLC(UAE)
- Estimators(UAE)
- Factory Sales Engineer - FORCE 10 UAE LLC(UAE)
- HR Manager(UAE)
- Project Coordinator - Oasys Information Technology LLC(UAE)

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Careerbuilder India شاهد موقف كوميدي في عقد قران دنيا سمير غانم بمقطع يعرض للمرة الأولى/فيديو شيخ أزهري يُحرج مذيعة مصرية بسبب الحجاب/فيديو فنان مصري شهير أحب أن أكون حمار/لن تصدق لماذا أحرقت هذه الفتاة نفسها

شاهد موقف كوميدي في عقد قران دنيا سمير غانم بمقطع يعرض للمرة الأولى

فيديو شيخ أزهري يُحرج مذيعة مصرية بسبب الحجاب

الأمثل لإدارة معلومات الأعمال(شئوون الموظفين.الحسابات العامة.المبيعات والعملاء)

فيديو فنان مصري شهير أحب أن أكون حمار

سيرين عبدالنور أخطأت في نشر هذه الصورة وكبريائي منعني من حذفها

أحدث تكنولوجيا توصيل الطرود في الأمارات

فيديو نهاية مؤلمة لفتاة استعرضت مهاراتها بالمشي على الحبل

ميس للمقاولات والخدمات التجارية(قص الخرسانة.حفار الجدران للمواسير..)

صور كتلة ثلجية تحبس زوجين في منزلهما بأمريكا

بالصور حسناء تصبح نجمة بفضل بطنها المنتفخ

شاهد موقف محرج لمذيع مغربي على الهواء

فيديو هذا ما يحدث عندما يعطس مهر صغير

فيديو أم تسقط طفلتها الرضيعة عن دراجتها النارية

لن تصدق لماذا أحرقت هذه الفتاة نفسها

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الدبلوم المهني في ادارة الجودة الشاملة ( اسطنبول – تركيا في الفتره من 27 مارس الى 5 ابريل 2016 م )

الدار العربية للتنمية الادارية

بالتعاون مع

الإتحاد الدولي لمؤسسات التنمية البشرية

تدعوكم للمشاركه في:

((الدبلوم المهني في إدارة الجودة الشاملة))

اسطنبول – تركيا  من 27 مارس الى 5  ابريل 2016 م


ويأتي انعقاد هذا الدبلوم بهدف القاء الضوء علي الاتجاهات الحديثة لمفاهيم وأنظمة الجودة. دور الجودة في تأمين القدرات التنافسية بصفتها هدفاً استراتيجياً ومسئولية إدارية متقدمة وذلك من خلال عدة محاور منها المفاهيم والأطر العملياتيه للجودة و إدارة الجودة الشاملة و تدقيق نظم إدارة الجودة والاعتماد وشهادات الجودة الإقليمية والدولية و التسجيل في المؤسسات الدولية و ميادين الجودة ومجالاتها والممارسات التطبيقية لتدقيق الجودة .

 مستهدفين في ذلك : أعضاء مجالس الادارة والمدراء العامون الراغبون بتطبيق نظم إدارة الجودة في شركاتهم وإداراتهم والعاملين بالإدارات التنفيذية في المؤسسات والهيئات ومديري ادارات تحسين وتطوير جودة الاداء في الوزارات والهيئات والمستويات القيادية والإدارية العليا بالوزارات والهيئات والمنظمات والمؤسسات ومديري ومشرفي الأعمال والعمليات في المؤسسات والشركات العامة والخاصة .

وبهذة المناسبة يسعدنا دعوتكم للمشاركة وتعميم خطابنا على المهتمين بموضوع الدبلومه وإفادتنا بمن تقترحون توجية الدعوة لهم علما بإن رسوم الاشتراك 2000 دولار أمريكي للفرد .


لمزيد من المعلومات يمكنكم التواصل مع

نائب مدير التدريب

أ / سارة عبد الجواد

جوال : 00201112694608

هاتف : 0020237800693 – 0020237800583

فاكس : 0020237800573 – 0020235866323








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Careerbuilder India فيديو فنان مصري شهير يعترف بشرب الخمر في مقابلة تليفزيونية على الهواء/وفاة الفنانة المصرية فيروز/بالصورة فنانة كويتية شهيرة تتعرض لموقف محرج بسبب قصرها/لهذا السبب لم يكتشف البشر كائنات فضائية حتى الآن

فيديو فنان مصري شهير يعترف بشرب الخمر في مقابلة تليفزيونية على الهواء

بالصورة فنانة كويتية شهيرة تتعرض لموقف محرج بسبب قصرها

الأمثل لإدارة معلومات الأعمال(شئوون الموظفين.الحسابات العامة.المبيعات والعملاء)

صور شخصيات شهيرة ملامحهم متشابهة

لهذا السبب لم يكتشف البشر كائنات فضائية حتى الآن

أحدث تكنولوجيا توصيل الطرود في الأمارات

شاهد مسدس ياباني غريب للقبض على اللصوص يثير ضجة كبيرة

ميس للمقاولات والخدمات التجارية(قص الخرسانة.حفار الجدران للمواسير..)

شاهد ما حدث مع هذه المراسلة أثناء تقرير تلفزيوني

فيديو أشخاص يستغلون برودة الجو لإجراء تجارب طريفة

فيديو داعية سعودي يتهم أحمد البايض بالسحر ويطلب أن يلتقيه وديًا

فيديو شاب يحرض كلب على اختطاف حقيبة فتاة بالمغرب

فيديو سيارة صغيرة تبتلع 40 طفلا في قرية نائية بمنغوليا

وفاة الفنانة المصرية فيروز

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Urgent Recruitment on WAS Admin/ Developer at Pleasaton, CA

Dear Partners,
Hope you are doing great.
Please let me know if you have any suitable candidates for this following position, please share the profiles to and feel free to contact me at 734-399-4473.
Add me to your mailing list and send all relevant resumes to

Role: Was admin/ Developer

Location: Pleasanton, CA

Starting: Immediate


WAS Admin JD:

·         4 -5 years of experience in WAS installation

·         Configuration and administration Provide Level 2 support of middleware applications triaging

·         As well as deployment of new software, upgrades to application code and troubleshooting issues to remediate defects

·         Possess advanced technical skills and experience in monitoring, troubleshooting, maintenance and enhancements of distributed applications and middleware

·         Experience in WAS Fix pack upgrade and Migration Expertise in Cluster setup, Load Balancing, JMS messaging Good in Trouble shooting and analyzing using IBM ISA or equivalent tools Deployment of different applications and Trouble shooting, server monitoring and health check Performance tuning Knowledge on WSAdmin scripting MQ Knowledge, Knowledge in XML, WSDL, Web service(SOAP and HTTP), Unix scripting, SOAP UI tool Should be willing to work in shifts Excellent Communication Skills and ability to independently handle tasks

Thanks & Regards,


Data Solutions Inc

** Certified Minority-Owned Business Enterprise (MBE) **

Canton, Michigan 48187

Main -   (734) 399-4473

Fax -      (734) 437-5524

Email:  URL:

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Urgent need of QA Web Tester at Scottsdale, AZ ==== Must be local to AZ.


This is Mazhar Khan from Systel one of Americas premiere staffing organization. This mail is in regards to a career opportunity with one of our clients, we are currently looking for tech savvy professionals  in QA Web Tester  at    Scottsdale, AZ



Position: QA Web Tester. (Face to Face interview)

Location: Scottsdale, AZ

Duration: 5 Months.

Rate : $ 35/hr on C2C all inc.

Need a candidate who can go in-person to Scottsdale, AZ



The Quality Assurance Analyst is responsible for testing the client's Technology software solutions

Identifying and supporting best practices that ensure the highest quality products

Integrating automation and efficiency into the QA testing cycles.

The Quality Assurance Analyst provides experience in identifying, evaluating, and testing systems and procedures that meet user requirements

Test Plan, Test Strategy and Test cases preparation.

Participates in software design discussions, reviews and test strategy sessions.

Identifies potential process improvement areas, suggests options and recommends approaches

Identifies and communicates software functionality issues

Provides quality assurance estimates for resource and project planning purposes

Logging of defects and Re-Testing the Bug Fixes.


Required Skills:

Good understanding of the software development life cycle

Web Testing Knowledge

HP Quality Centre Knowledge

SQL Query and Database knowledge

Robust knowledge of system testing and software quality assurance best practices and methodologies

Healthcare Domain knowledge, Preferably Government Services/Medicare knowledge 


About Systel:

Systel is a professional services organization providing IT staff augmentation, IT product development and Business process outsourcing services. Through our 18 years of existence we have delivered to the expectations of the largest System Integrators and Fortune 1000 companies.

IT Staffing Services has been Systel's core competency, and over the past few years Systel has added and groomed its capabilities for IT application development & maintenance, testing and BPO services. Systel is currently investing in product developments for Health Care and E-Governance domains, it has also recently launched a major initiative on the social media platform. Some of our key achievements are:

·         Awarded Regional Supplier of the Year NMSDC

·         Certified MBE from Georgia Minority Supplier Development council

·         Prime vendor status for 3 fortune 500 companies

·         Excellence in E-governance Award





Warm Regards,

Mazhar Khan


Resourcing Specialist

SYSTEL | Atlanta, GA

A Certified (MBE) Minority Business Enterprise

Direct: +1- 678-203-2434

 Gmail :

Yahoo :





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Needed Supply Chain Business Analyst ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Immediate Interview)

Senior Level Business Analyst

Location: Cincinnati OH
Duration: longterm


Senior Level BA that will be responsible for the typical BA duties: data mapping, interface analysis, some reporting requirements, and assisting the business with UAT scenarios.  This BA will have experience in general Supply Chain and Manufacturing


Position Summary:

The Business Analyst is responsible for eliciting the business needs of the customer to help determine solutions to complex business problems.


The Business Analyst is responsible for requirements development and requirements management in accordance to Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) best practices. The Business Analyst will act as the liaison between the business units, technology teams and support teams.


The Business Analyst must have the ability to plan and execute strategic initiatives to take complex projects from vision to reality. The Business Analyst has in-depth knowledge of a line of business and/or is experienced in the industry best practices.


Essential Job Functions:

      Work predominantly with the Merchandising/Pricing line of businesses to elicit, analyze and document complex business requirements. 

o   Collaborate with the appropriate teams to build the business case/ project justification (including cost benefit analysis and feasibility studies) and identify risks associated with each requirement.

o   Lead the appropriate teams to elicit and manage business requirements.

o   Assist in troubleshooting post implementation issues for large/complex projects.

o   Assist in project user acceptance test, including reporting and documenting defects, and conducting complex root cause analysis.

o   Facilitate the discussion that leads to the build versus buy decision.

o   Assist other personnel on assignments including mentoring or providing on-the-job training to more junior associates.  Mentor team members in business analysis principles, patterns, processes and practices.

o   Must be able to perform the essential functions of this position with or without reasonable accommodation.


Competencies and Skills:

Some of the Competencies/Skills required to successfully perform this position are:

·      Building Strategic Working Relationships - Developing and using collaborative relationships to facilitate the accomplishment of work goals.

·      Building Trust - Interacting with others in a way that gives them confidence in one's intentions and those of the organization.

·      Communication - Clearly conveying information and ideas through a variety of media to individuals or groups in a manner that engages the audience and helps them understand and retain the message

·      Customer Focus - Making customers and their needs a primary focus of one's actions; developing and sustaining productive customer relationships.

·      Inclusion – Appreciating and leveraging the capabilities, insights, and ideas of all individuals. Working effectively with individuals of diverse style, ability, and motivation for a direct effect on business results.

·      Safety Awareness -Identifying and correcting conditions that affect employee safety; upholding safety standards.

·      Planning and Organizing - Establishing courses of action for self and others to ensure that work is completed efficiently

·      Initiating Action - Taking prompt action to accomplish objectives; taking action to achieve goals beyond what is required; being proactive.

·      Quality Orientation - Accomplishing tasks by considering all areas involved; accurately checking processes and tasks; being watchful over a period of time.

·      Work Standards - Setting high standards of performance for self and others; assuming responsibility and accountability for successfully completing assignments or tasks; self-imposing standards of excellence rather than having standards imposed.


Minimum Position Qualifications:

·         Bachelor's degree in IS or related equivalent work experience in an Information Systems position or comparable business unit experience.

·         5 years' experience in business analysis.

·         Excellent written and verbal communication and presentation skills to effectively communicate information to all levels within the organization.

·         Experience in multiple business areas


Desired Previous Job Experience

•       Prior experience as Senior Programmer/Analyst or comparable experience.

          Six Sigma, IIBA Certification a plus


Potential Career Path from this position:

·         Management positions throughout the enterprise

·         Project Management

·         Applications Analyst

·         Customer Relationship Manager

·         Quality Engineer




Harry Singh

Technical Recruiter


Golden Resource Inc

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