Urgently Required: Microstrategy 9.4, SDK, Portals, Dashboards, single sign on, upgrade 9.4

Hi Partners,

Kindly let me know if you have any consultant for the following requirements.


Please respond back with an updated resume and all inclusive rates to recruiter@burgeonits.com



Position: Microstrategy 9.4, SDK, Portals, Dashboards, single sign on, upgrade 9.4

Location: Charlotte, NC

Duration: 2 Months


Years of experience          : Total Exp 10+ ; Micostrategy Experience 7+


Job Description

Architect needed for a Microstrategy 9.4 upgrade project.  

Only candidates with MicroStrategy SDK experience will be considered. 

They will be responsible for the Microstrategy upgrade 9.4 including portals, SDK components  & single sign-on,

Testing & production rollout of Microstrategy 9.4 upgraded environment.

Candidate should, at minimum, be a certified project designer (CPD) and report developer (CRD). 



10+ years of overall experience.

7+ years of MicroStrategy experience. 

MicroStrategy SDK experience required

Must have experience on MicroStrategy Portals

Must have advanced Dashboard skills

Experience with MicroStrategy 9.4 upgrade

Must have valid MicroStrategy Certifications (CPD and CRD minimum)




Implement MicroStrategy upgrade 9.4 that include SDK, Portals , Dashboards , Single sign-on and data visualization.

Perform testing of the upgraded components

Deliver upgrade tasks within assigned timelines that meet quality standards

Provide support during production cut-over

Work in conjunction with other developers.



Thanks & Regards


Burgeon IT Services LLC. 
619 New York Avenue, Claymont, DE 19703
Phone No. : 302-338-9683; 302-220-4724, Fax : 302-355-1559
Email Id : recruiter@burgeonits.com Website:www.burgeonits.com
LinkedIn: in.linkedin.com/pub/raja-burgeon/67/a09/571

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