Dear business partner, here is the updated list of available consultants from technocraft solution for your daily requirements.
Kindly contact us over email / phone for quick response. Wishing to have a successful business future with you .
NAME | Technology | Total EXP | Location | Relocation |
raj | Insurance&retail (BA) | 8+ | IL | Dallas,Ftworth,Fl,IL,AZ,FL |
Sid | SQl server Developer | 9+ | Haywrad, CA | Los Angles,Burbank,Paradena,Ei segued, Malibu,venice |
har | Buisness Analyst | 7+ | Richmond VA | Open |
bhak | Quality analyst | 5+ | TN | East coast |
Kir | Java Developer | 7+ | TX | Open |
tan | Sap -abap | 11+ | OH | Prefer East coast &relocation open |
no | Ba | 7+ | Los angles (CA) | CA&TX |
Nis | Sql server developer | 6+ | Piscataway (NJ) | NY,NJ,NH,VA,CT,OH,PA,NC |
Prag | Ba | 7+ | Houston,TX | Open |
Best Regards,
Business development manager
Contact No. : 614-664-7817
Office ID :
Yahoo id :
Gmail Id :
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